Leading French home interior services 100% online!

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Madecoenligne : your professional partner for successful interior design projects with maximum return on your investment!

Our home decorating methodology: The Triple 'A'

We provide you with advice on colours, materials, furniture, lighting, room layout in order to optimize every square foot in your home.
Be reassured about your initial choices or on the contrary move on towards exploring new decorating avenues!

Exit bad taste and dazzle your friends!
Imagine your newly decorated home and implement changes quickly and swiftly using our pragmatic recommendations: 2 and 3D perspectives, colour schemes, materials, furniture, shopping lists.
What clients are saying about us
"At first, I was sceptical about online decorating services. However I took the plunge when someone recommended Madecoenline to me.
I do not regret it for a minute! They accomplished amazing and remarquable work for my old kitchen total makeover without even setting a foot in my appartment!".
M & Mrs Pachy
"We called on Madecoenline from the very beginning of our project, before we even signed the reservation for our off-plan appartment.
Why? In order to benefit from an expert eye, optimize our future empty space of 110 sq meters, take advantage of its natural light exposure and explore best options for our appartment layout with its awkward shape".